USPS: Disposable masks available through eBuyPlus MDC catalog

Jeff Summers, a Topeka, KS, senior supply chain planner for USPS, wears a disposable face mask.

Supply Management has modified and expanded the ability of Postal Service facilities and offices to order disposable pleated face masks.

The masks (item number 4240180002515) are now available for individual site orders through the Topeka, KS, Materials Distribution Center (MDC) eBuyPlus catalog.

Previously, USPS sites were instructed to order masks only through district supplies coordinators. The modified, expanded process will allow individual facilities and offices to order directly from MDC inventories and avoid paying premium prices from other eBuyPlus suppliers.

The minimum order is 1 box, which contains 50 individual masks; the maximum order is 40 boxes, or 2,000 masks. Any orders that exceed the maximum will automatically be reduced to one case of 40 boxes.

Sites that need more than 2,000 masks will continue to request them from their local district supplies coordinator.

The coordinators will continue to order and maintain ample inventory for large and emergency requests, and to redistribute quantities to ensure availability.

During the coronavirus pandemic, USPS requires all employees to wear face coverings:

• In public-facing settings when there is a state or local face covering order or directive in place; or

• When an employee who does not deal directly with the public cannot achieve or maintain social distancing in the workplace.

The COVID-19 Employee Resources Blue page has additional information under the “Supplies, Cleaning and Maintenance” tab.

Source: USPS

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