The Postal Service is sharing new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the use of face coverings to help guard against COVID-19.
CDC now recommends that people wear cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures, such as standing 6 feet apart, are difficult to maintain.
USPS is encouraging all employees to follow CDC’s recommendation.
Employees who want to wear a face covering may request a surgical mask from a supervisor or bring their own personal cloth face covering for use while on duty.
The CDC website offers guidance on how to make and wear a cloth face covering.
Postal Service employees are encouraged to not rely solely on the use of cloth face coverings to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Employees should also follow other preventative measures such as proper handwashing, and maintaining social distancing whenever possible while on delivery routes, at retail counters and within USPS workplaces.
The Postal Service will continue to provide updated safety guidance and recommendations to ensure employees and customers are informed during the coronavirus pandemic.
Employees can also refer to the COVID-19 Blue and LiteBlue pages for additional updates.
Related: USPS Mandatory Stand-Up Talk: Cloth face coverings (4/6/20)
Source: USPS