USPS: Baltimore District managers take pledge for safety

Arnold, MD, Postmaster Tony Henson takes Baltimore District’s safety pledge at a recent meeting.

Arnold, MD, Postmaster Tony Henson takes Baltimore District’s safety pledge at a recent meeting.

One group of Postal Service employees isn’t just talking the talk when it comes to safety. Managers in Capital Metro Area’s Baltimore District recently vowed to make safety a “core value.” At an all-hands meeting, each manager took a safety pledge.

“Everyone was asked to take the pledge to promote a safer work environment — managers, Postmasters, supervisors and executive leadership,” said District Manager Angela Curtis. “It takes all of us to be a part of the solution and we must lead by example.”

The pledge encourages employees to promote safe practices in postal workplaces, including promoting the personal safety of their co-workers.

Source: USPS News Kink – Promise to keep

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