2 thoughts on “USPS and APWU stab preference eligible vets in the back!

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Springfield Mass Area Local 497
    Office held, if any
    Clerk Craft Director, Steward

    This same scenario happened in Springfield a few years ago. Same harassment, same nonsense. Management was having vets “sign away” their rights to vet pref. There is an agreement about signing for personal reasons, I don’t think all vets at the same time for personal reasons makes sense. Do what you need to do. As I was told years ago, “there is no cavalry.”

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Tyler, Texas Local
    Office held, if any

    I have been harassed and threatened for 2 years now. It equates an illegal RIF and has been handled inappropriately.

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