Updated PTF One-Time Voluntary Reassignment Opportunity List of Residual Vacancies

From: Lamont Brooks <lbrooks@apwu.org>
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022
Subject: High Importance: Updated Part-Time Flexible(PTF) One-Time Voluntary Reassignment Opportunity List of Residual Vacancies and APWU Webpage News Article

Please disseminate to the field.

APWU local/state presidents, please post or share with your PTFs the two attachments, in facilities where you have PTF clerks in installations with less than 100 career clerks.

You only need to share the listing for your respective Districts, for the sake of brevity, if you so choose.

The attached news article and available residual vacancy listing will also be posted on the APWU webpage, in the event you want to direct the PTF clerks to the APWU Clerk Division webpage.

The news article summarizes the MOU and the parties implementation process.

This update does not change the current process, it just provides additional information for the PTF when making their decision.

The eReassign preference(s) deadline is March 21st, 11:00 pm CDT. The PTF clerk can also revise their prior eReassign selections based on this new concise available residual vacancy listing.

Please direct any inquiries to Assistant Clerk Director, Lynn Pallas-Barber.

In union solidarity,

Lamont Brooks
Clerk Division

Residual Vacancies Listing

APWU Web News Article

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