The Plant Manager “sponsoring” this contest is the lovely and benevolent Stephanie “Hurricane” Harris. Yep, the same one who blanket AWOLed or LWOPed every employee who could not make it into work during a major snow event last winter – even though employees called out and had leave to cover the absence. Many are still out the 8 hours. One of the craft workers told me: “This contest is just another reason to “make merry and be jolly” with USPS at Christmas – NOT!!”
But all of that aside, craft workers should NEVER participate in this type of nonsense, especially when it involves having your picture taken and displayed and also includes EAS participation.
From the archives:
Philadelphia USPS Management Misconduct (via National Postal Mail Handlers Union)
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
retired, APWU - Philadelphia
NEVER participate in management sponsored and contrived nonsense, “them” phony fabricated smiles turn pretty ugly when “the rubber meets the road” in administrative matters. NEVER ever be a fool and be fooled.