One thought on “The Wall To Nowhere- Cape Girardeau Has A Budget?

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Cape Girardeau Area Local 4088
    Office held, if any

    Just to put this into perspective:

    In 2000, the Cape Girardeau P&DF more than doubled the size of the building to accommodate our rapidly-growing package, letter and flat volume. The wall that is being constructed cuts off most of that added floor space. Last night, the sheetrock material was in place on one of the two walls that will form a right angle, sealing off the added space. The tray-sorter and 2 of the DBCS machines are in the sealed off area. Yesterday, we had temps in the mid-eighties… it isn’t even really hot yet and it was miserably hot working on those machines.

    God forbid someone become a heat casualty because someone in management wants to “help facilitate” the remaining employees decision to retire or transfer out.

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