Thanksgiving Day Message From the Postmaster General

PMG_Brennan_wideNovember 12, 2015
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, I would like to express my gratitude to you for all you do each day on behalf of the Postal Service.

During this season of thanks, we each should take a moment to reflect upon the many things in our lives for which we are grateful-our families, our friends, our coworkers, our health, our jobs, and the many liberties that are unique to our lives here in the United States. Far too often, we get carried away with day-to-day activities and forget to stop and appreciate all that we enjoy and
how fortunate we are.

I am, once again, inspired by your collective efforts on behalf of the Postal Service, and I would especially like to commend you for your dedication to our customers. Each day, you keep the mail moving-prescriptions, birthday cards, bill payments, and packages. In fact, due to your efforts, we expect another banner holiday mailing season, as our customers turn to us to deliver their holiday cards, letters, and packages. As we have seen in the past, when people, like you, come together for a single purpose, it is energizing and exhilarating. And it can achieve remarkable results.

Thank you for everything you do to make this such a great organization of people who pull together in the face of challenges, support our customers in countless ways, and demonstrate the concepts of “thanks” and “giving” in communities throughout the nation. You should be proud.

l appreciate your dedication and hard work, and I wish you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day!

Megan J. Brennan

475 L’ENFANT Plaza SW
WASHINGTON DC 20260-0010

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