“Team Fighting 4U” formed – Dimondstein ticket has fallen apart

So if I am reading the tea leaves correctly, the Dimondstein ticket has fallen apart and now numerous past members of that ticket have formed the 4U Team. If you are to believe the stories, and I mostly do, Mark had decided to remove Debby Szeredy from the ticket and there was a revolt.

So now I’m confused. Debby Szeredy has been the vice president for two terms and when the new ticket is formed they bypass her as president on their ticket. Someone will have to explain that to me.

First Name: LeRoy
Last Name: Moyer
Email: apwuldm@gmail.com
Union/Local: APWU – Charlotte Area Local

6 thoughts on ““Team Fighting 4U” formed – Dimondstein ticket has fallen apart

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU – Utica NY
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    This may be the most important APWU National election ever. We are at a crossroads. The members need to decide if this is the new normal. Or can we go “Old School.”
    I’m hoping the Members vote. Regardless of your opinion, if you don’t vote we get what we get.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Phoenix Area Local
    Office held, if any
    National Executive VP
    Email Address

    Our team came together for many reasons. The most important reason was because we believed we needed a team leadership not a dictatorship, that could work for our membership that has been under attack on the workroom floor. I am very happy holding down the Vice President position. I love being an important part of the team. My experience in this position has prepared me to cover for the president and fill his position in case of incapacity. I chose to continue to run for the VP position. It is time to mentor new leaders in this Union, I have over 40 years as an activist in APWU. I want to help put our Union on track to tackle the many issues that are important to our members and our communities. Please support the Fighting 4U Team if you want to see real change that can bring back true passion in our members and officers.

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Charlotte Area Local, 375
    Email Address

    Brother, when the team went up against Guffey years back, John Marcotte wanted to head the ticket and run for president and the rest of the team disagreed (in part or whole) and went with Mark.

    The new Team Fighting 4U is the Power ticket, some on the ticket are very upset that Mark wanted to replace Debby (right or wrong). Then the Power ticket chooses a man to head their ticket, that was my point. I have heard Debby doesn’t want to be president, but isn’t that the job of the vice president to be in waiting in case something happens to the president?

    I like many are waiting to see who actually runs for national national before making a final decision. But, they broke away from Mark because of trying to remove a woman and now they bypass that same woman for the top job. It makes little sense.

  4. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - NWIAL 7140
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    The most important thing to consider when selecting a Vice President is are they capable of taking over for the President. If not they should not run for Vice President. It seems both tickets are fighting over New York Metro votes but what about the rest of us? Mark Dimondstein has the gravitas for the job but there seems to be some bad blood internally, and too much focus on the political rather than the grievance procedure. Our NBAs are over-worked and the National tries to eliminate NBA jobs when they are vacated. IRD Greg Bell was helpful to my Local. John Marcotte should have been kept as Legislative Director. This does not help us as we go to arbitration but we need to vote for the best candidate for each job. Will be watching this election closely!

  5. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Oakland Local Retiree Chapter
    Office held, if any

    The same doors the employees exit, so will the Supervisors, Managers, and all of the above. Then what will be the results of infighting among like-minded, or….supposed to be, yield the Masses. I’m not in favor of chaos at any time. Best way to lose a Good Union Man, until the eradication of such.

  6. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Western Michigan Area Local #281
    Email Address

    Leroy, I am no way involved in this, but I can only surmise that Debbie is content on being the Vice President. If you are in a position and good at it, like Debbie is, maybe that is where she feels she belongs and should remain. Those that know John, know he is definitely a A-type personality and one that thrives in the Presidential positions that he has filled in the past.

    Like I said, who really knows what the logic is behind what positions people vie for, but the ticket as it looks now is going to be strong and diverse.

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