USPS: Online Veterans roundtable to be held on Sunday, Jan. 26
Veteran service officers from the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars will provide an overview of the disability claims application process and answer questions.
Veteran service officers from the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars will provide an overview of the disability claims application process and answer questions.
From: Liz Powell <> Date: 3/24/22 Subject: Clerk Division 2021 CBA Revisions Zoom Please join the Clerk Division 7:00pm ET, Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Clerk Division 2021 CBA Revisions Zoom Please register using the below link
September 13, 2021 The Research and Education Department is sponsoring Zoom Trainings for APWU Members in October 2021. SPECIAL NOTES: Participants must be an APWU member. No one should attend this training on the Postal Service time clock. Each participant must register individually and not as a group. The deadline to register for all workshops…
From: Vance Zimmerman <> Date: 4/30/21 Subject: USPS Memo and Documents on EFEL OPM Guidance. All, This email is provided as information only as to what the Postal Service has chosen to do based on the guidance issued by OPM in regards to EFEL. The APWU has reached out to the Postal Service to discuss…
By Pat Williams – March 10, 2021 Conference Call Zoom Meeting Notes
The USPS Ethics Office is providing guidance for Postal Service employees on participating in virtual events held by other organizations. Many such events are being conducted over video or audioconferencing platforms rather than in person because of the coronavirus pandemic. A virtual event is a gift if it has monetary value. If a virtual event’s…