APWU: Arbitrator upholds USS should be assigned to Mail Handlers

APWU News Article – May 27, 2022 On May 24, 2022, Arbitrator Joseph M. Sharnoff issued a lengthy award on the APWU-NPMHU jurisdictional dispute over the Universal Sorting System (USS). Arbitrator Sharnoff upheld the Postal Service’s 2019 determination that all operations on the USS should be assigned to the Mail Handlers, except for the Scan Where You…

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APWU: Automated Delivery Unit Sorter (ADUS) Deployment Schedule

From: Lynn Pallas-Barber <lpallas@apwu.org> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 Subject: SPSS/ADUS/USS/RBUS Brothers and Sister, Please find attached an updated deployment schedule for the ADUS for this calendar year 2021. Also attached is a deployment of the ADUS and SPSS machines for FY 2021. These two reports do not provide any specific deployment dates. This report…

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USPS Issues Craft Determination on the Universal Sorting System (USS)

In a letter dated July 12, 2019, the Postal Service issued its national craft determination for the USS or Universal Sorting System. The USS is currently in 8 postal facilities, with the Postal Service planning to add 15 more locations in the next year. The Postal Service has determined that “the primary craft operation of…

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