USPS: Post Offices must keep burial flags on hand

USPS wants Post Offices to ensure they have an adequate supply of burial flags on hand for customers who request them. Through the organization’s Burial Flag Program, all retail Post Offices serve as a burial flag repository. Employees must use the eBuyPlus system to order U.S. flags for the program. Flags will be shipped from…

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USPS: Honor guard plays key role in postal ceremonies

The Postal Police honor guard is a familiar sight at USPS ceremonies, but how much do you know about these flag-bearing officers? The honor guard is comprised of Postal Police officers who, in addition to their regular duties to protect and serve, volunteer to honor the United States and its ideals through coordinated processions. “Our…

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USPS: Flag Day is Friday, June 14

Flag Day, one of six days each year that Postal Service facilities are required to fly the POW-MIA flag, is Friday, June 14. The flag honors the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces held as prisoners of war or listed as missing in action. The POW-MIA flag must fly below the U.S. flag….

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USPS: Stamp to honor those who served in World War I

World War I: Turning the Tide, a stamp that pays tribute to the United States’ many contributions to ending the global conflict, will be released Friday, July 27. The 1914-1918 war, also known as the Great War, reshaped the map of Europe. The United States remained neutral until April 1917, when it declared war on…

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USPS Flag Reminder: POW-MIA Recognition Day is Friday, Sept. 16

National POW-MIA Recognition Day, one of six days each year that Postal Service facilities are required to fly the POW-MIA flag, is Friday, Sept. 16. The flag honors those who were prisoners of war and those who are missing in action. All USPS facilities must display the POW-MIA flag. The POW-MIA flag must fly below…

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USPS: Requirements for flying U.S., POW-MIA flags

May 30 is Memorial Day, one of six days each year Postal Service facilities area required to fly the POW-MIA flag. The flag honors the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces held as prisoners of war or listed as missing in action. Facilities that are open on the holiday must fly the U.S….

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USPS: Always treat U.S. flags with respect

The Postal Service reminds Postmasters and other managers to regularly inspect the U.S. flags flown at their facilities to make sure they’re serviceable and displayed with respect. The flag must never be displayed with the union down except as a signal of dire distress. Additionally, the flag must never be used as drapery, festooned or…

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21st Century Postal Worker U.S. Flag displayed for Flag Day

In full support of Postal Workers, Veterans and all others serving/having served in the United States Military, I am displaying a special American Flag here again today. These stars and stripes were flown by APWU Member Vern “Bean” Davidson, while serving in Afghanistan on September 3, 2004.  I’m very honored to have been presented with…

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