USPS Eastern Area: All crafts on withholding for Excessing of Maintenance Employees

The Eastern Area has placed a withholding on all crafts for Excessing of Maintenance Employees from the Philadelphia and Norristown TriCounty Pennsylvania offices. USPS Notification – Philadelphia P&DC “Eastern Area is implementing the withholding provisions of Article 12.5 (B)(2) for all full-time regular Level 10 and below Maintenance Craft positions, all Level 7 and below…

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Elect Bill Lewis APWU Eastern Region Coordinator (endorsement by 21cpw admin)

I fully support and endorse William “Bill” Lewis, for the position of APWU Eastern Region Coordinator.  Bill Lewis has served the membership well as President of the Trenton Metro Area Local and President of the New Jersey State Postal Workers Union.  I’ve known Bill since the days of the horrific anthrax attacks on postal workers at the Hamilton Township…

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