Charges filed within APWU Southwest Coastal Area Local

Via Bobby Donelson, SWCAL Retiree Chapter President: Attached is some information forwarded by our Secretary-Treasurer Monica Garcia. She has been under a lot of pressure and bad treatment by SWCAL’s President Phil Khong and Maintenance Craft Director Will Khong. Phil Khong and Will Khong lack trust, transparency, and integrity. Phil Khong and Will Khong do…

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APWU SWCAL Retiree Chapter has a WEB Page

Via Bobby Donelson, APWU SWCAL Retiree Chapter President: is the website for Southwest Coastal Area Local #917 of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO. Due to the fact the local’s swcal web page was deactivated in April, the Southwest Coastal Area Local Retiree Chapter has set up a web page. One important part of…

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APWU Southwest Coastal Area Local Election Results

Via Bobby Donelson, APWU – SWCAL Retiree Chapter President President – Phil Khong Vice President – Bill Gonzalez Secretary Treasurer – Monica Garcia Clerk Director – Wilma “Willie” Arriaga MVS Director – Phillip Blas Chief Steward Anaheim – Kevin Cole Chief Steward Fullerton – Valounny DeLaCruz Chief Steward San Juan Capistrano – Edward O’Connell Chief…

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