APWU: Do Not Participate in Bulk Mail and MRC Job Analysis

From: Lamont Brooks <lbrooks@apwu.org> Date: April 11, 2022 Subject: Bulk Mail and MRC Job Analysis Inform your clerk to NOT participate in this analysis as it is strictly voluntary. Please share this with them asap. The APWU filed a national dispute on these type of initiatives several years ago that is still pending, even one…

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APWU Clerk Director Brooks: Do Not Respond to MRC Survey!

From: Lamont Brooks <lbrooks@apwu.org> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 10:17 PM To: Clerk Division NBAs Cc: Regional Coordinators Subject: MRC Surveys No No No to All Surveys/Focus Groups/Interviews Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Subject: Urgent Do Not Respond to MRC Survey Please share with your APWU local/state officers, stewards and mailing requirement clerks. Completing these surveys/interviews…

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Why USPS has the Best Customer Service in Government

By Frank Konkel – December 3, 2015 Each year, the intrepid 600,000-strong workforce at the United States Postal Services braves dangerous weather and unfriendly canines to deliver some 155 billion pieces of mail to its customers. Given the sheer size of the Postal Services operation – it processes 40 percent of the world’s entire volume…

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