USPS OIG Report: Stamps, Money Orders, and Cash – Burbank, CA

Background Both the Burbank, CA, Main Office and Downtown Station sites are in the California 3 District of the WestPac Area. OIG data analytics identified these two sites as having large retail floor stamp inventory count shortages from October 1, 2019 through January 31, 2021. Retail associates who work at window services do not have…

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Postal Supervisor Was $63,994 Short – Did Not Have To Repay

March 6, 2020 A supervisor in New York City was short $63,994 in her Unit Reserve Stamp Stock. She was given a demand letter for $63,994. She appealed per ELM 450. Because no one conducted an audit of the stamp stock when it was transferred over to her (six years before), she didn’t have to…

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USPS OIG Report: Stamp Stock Accountability

Objective Our objective was to determine whether controls over unit reserve stamp stock accountability were adequately designed and operating effectively. We received a hotline allegation regarding suspicious fraudulent transactions involving stolen stamps from the North Kenner, LA, Station. An initial investigation confirmed that a Postal Service unit manager had access to large quantities of postage…

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