USPS OIG Report: Delayed Mail at the Denver P&DC

Objective The objective of our audit was to determine the cause of mail processing delays reported at the Denver, CO, Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC). The Postal Service reports mail processing delays when mail is not processed in time to meet its established delivery or when mail is processed but not on the dock in…

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USPS OIG Report: Use of the Run Plan Generator

Background The U.S. Postal Service has about 265 mail processing facilities nationwide. Mail processing is an integrated group of activities required to sort and distribute mail for delivery. The Run Plan Generator (RPG) is a software application used by processing facilities to optimize machine usage and operational efficiency. The RPG combines site-specific mail processing machines,…

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USPS OIG: Do Mail Schedulers Make Mail Processing More Efficient?

Project Title: Use of Run Plan Generator Start Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 Estimated Report Release Date: December 2016 Process scheduling is widely used in private industry to meet production deadlines, increase efficiency, and reduce machine downtime. The Postal Service uses a process scheduling program called the Run Plan Generator (RPG) to schedule machines that…

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