Updated PTF One-Time Voluntary Reassignment Opportunity List of Residual Vacancies

From: Lamont Brooks <lbrooks@apwu.org> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 Subject: High Importance: Updated Part-Time Flexible(PTF) One-Time Voluntary Reassignment Opportunity List of Residual Vacancies and APWU Webpage News Article Please disseminate to the field. APWU local/state presidents, please post or share with your PTFs the two attachments, in facilities where you have PTF clerks in installations…

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Career Status in the APWU Clerk Craft question

A recently converted PSE for filling of a residual vacancy with less than 90 days as a career employee called off on Emergency Annual Leave. She did not get paid because of management citing ELM 512.313 – he has a ninety day wait time. In the letter from President Dimondstein, about career status in the…

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APWU: Residual Vacancies, PSE Conversions in MVS

Web News Article #: 016-2015 01/27/2015 – According to USPS statistics, approximately 320 Motor Vehicle Craft employees have been converted to career status as a result of residual vacancies since a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Filling Residual Vacancies was signed in March 2014 and a set of Questions and Answers on the issue was…

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