USPS OIG Report: Scanning Compliance and Oversight of Dock Operations

Background The U.S. Postal Service is working to leverage technology to improve visibility and tracking of mail and packages in near real time for the Postal Service, its customers, and mailers. As it moves through the surface transportation network, mail and packages are assigned to a container equipped with barcodes. Surface Visibility provides real-time scanning…

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USPS: Internal Service Performance Measurement (SPM) will replace External First-Class (EXFC)

Internal Service Performance Measurement (SPM) will replace External First-Class (EXFC), a system that relies heavily on support from an outside organization. EXFC will be retired Sept. 30, and Internal SPM will become the Postal Service’s official service reporting and recording system Oct. 1. The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) recently approved the change, which is part…

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USPS Mobile milestone – MDD deployment nears completion

The Postal Service has deployed more than 200,000 Mobile Delivery Devices (MDDs), an important milestone for a program that makes it easier for customers to know where their packages are. The 200,000th device was one of several deployed to the Craig, MO, Post Office. “Mobile Delivery Devices are improving the way USPS serves its customers,…

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