USPS OIG Report: Rural and Urban Origins of the U.S. Postal Service

August 26, 2019 (RISC-WP-19-007) From its earliest beginnings, the Postal Service wrestled with conflicts between the needs of rural and urban communities. Congress has played a key role in shaping postal policy throughout history, particularly in rural areas where it worked on granular issues such as the selection of specific delivery routes and the appointment…

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Labor Day: In One of Nation’s Largest Contract Disputes, Postal Workers Fight for Improved Service, Good Jobs

Postal Workers’ Contract with USPS Expired Three Months Ago For Immediate Release 08/31/2015 – WASHINGTON – As the nation observes Labor Day, more than 200,000 members of the American Postal Workers Union are fighting for a good contract and improved service for postal customers – more than three months after their collective bargaining agreement with…

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