PRC: USPS Requests Advisory Opinion on Certain Aspects of its Delivering for America Plan

By law, the Commission’s final opinion is advisory. The Postal Service is not required to implement or take any further action concerning the Commission’s opinion.

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PRC Commissioners Pay a Visit to USPS Processing Plants in Georgia

Washington, DC – Postal Regulatory Commission Vice Chairman Thomas G. Day and Commissioner Ashley E. Poling recently toured two U.S. Postal Service processing facilities to witness, first-hand, ongoing network changes made by the Postal Service as part of its Delivering for America plan. Guided by a senior postal official on January 17, Vice Chairman Day and Commissioner…

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PRC Releases Annual Report to the President and Congress

1/31/2023 Washington, DC – Today the Postal Regulatory Commission released its Annual Report to the President and Congress summarizing many of the activities undertaken by the Commission throughout the year. Each year, the Commission is required to address in its report information concerning the operations of the Commission, including the extent to which regulations are…

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PRC Directs Postal Service to Address a Number of Outstanding Compliance Issues

Washington, DC – Today the Postal Regulatory Commission (Commission) issued its Annual Compliance Determination (ACD) assessing the pricing and service performance standards of the U.S. Postal Service (Postal Service) in fiscal year 2018. This ACD marks the 11th Compliance Determination issued since the enactment of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006. The following…

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PRC Issues FY 2018 Annual Report to the President and Congress

PRC Press Release – 1/10/2019 Washington, DC – The Postal Regulatory Commission today released its Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report to the President and Congress. The report provides a summary of the main activities undertaken by the Commission throughout the year. By law, the Commission is required to submit an annual report to the President…

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PRC Issues Order Approving Rate Increases

November 9, 2017 Washington, DC – Today the Postal Regulatory Commission approved the Postal Service’s planned price adjustments for First-Class Mail, USPS Marketing Mail, Periodicals, Package Services, and Special Services products. The Commission determined that the rates and related mail classification changes proposed by the Postal Service are consistent with 39 U.S.C. §§ 3622(d) and…

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PRC Report Reveals Progress and Problems with Rate and Fee Compliance and Service Performance

PRC Press Release – March 28, 2017 Washington, DC – The Postal Regulatory Commission (Commission) today issued its Annual Compliance Determination (ACD), an assessment of the U.S. Postal Service rate and fee compliance and service performance in Fiscal Year (FY) 2016. The Commission has identified several compliance issues and directs the Postal Service to address…

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PRC Seeks Public Comment On Its Role In Post Office Closings

Press Release – December 10, 2015 Washington, DC – The Postal Regulatory Commission has established Docket No. PI2016-2 to solicit public comment on the scope of its authority over Postal Service determinations to close or consolidate post offices. Title 39 of United States Code 404(d) sets forth the requirements for the Postal Service to follow…

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