Congressional Research Service Issues Summary of H.R. 756, Postal Service Reform Act of 2017

Postal Service Reform Act of 2017 TITLE I–POSTAL SERVICE BENEFITS REFORM This bill requires the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to establish a Postal Service Health Benefits Program within the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program to offer health benefits plans for U.S. Postal Service (USPS) employees, annuitant retirees, and their families at rates that reflect…

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APWU Pittsburgh Retiree Record – April 28, 2017 Edition

Via John P. Richards, President – APWU Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter SOLD OUT? The retiree establishment within the Union is abuzz over the administration’s embracing and supporting HR 756, known as the Postal Service Reform Act. This law, if enacted in it’s current draft, will drastically change our health ‘insurance’ delivery system. Several of many…

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Taxpayers Protection Alliance: Hill Briefing on Postal Reform (video)

Published on Apr 10, 2017 TPA hosted a hill briefing on Postal Reform, featuring Justin Sykes with Americans for Tax Reform; David Williams with the Taxpayers Protection Alliance; Kevin Kosar with the R Street Institute; Steve Pociask with the American Consumer Institute; and George Landrith with Frontiers of Freedom.

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NARFE Legislative Webinar focuses on Postal Reform HR 756 (video)

National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) Deputy Legislative Director John Hatton gave an informative presentation followed by a 1 hour Q&A period.  The April 4, 2017 Legislative Webinar focused mainly on the Postal Service Reform Act of 2017, HR 756. A PDF of the webinar slides is below: Source:

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APWU:  H.R. 756 Questions & Answers

These questions concerning H.R. 756 were the most frequently asked by APWU members. The answers were produced by APWU National Officers in consultation with attorneys and health plan experts. Check back frequently for the latest developments and additional information. Web News Article #: 34-2017 04/10/2017 – In order to have a healthy, sustainable, public Postal…

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NARFE to Postal Unions: We have an ‘honest disagreement’ on HR 756

The following audio is to the Questions and Answers segment at the end of the NARFE Legislative Webinar which addressed the 2017 and 2018 FY budgets and legislation concerning federal and postal employees. The first question about postal reform legislation is at the 7:44 mark and then there are several more questions and issues addressed throughout…

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