OPM: Emergency Leave Transfer for Federal Employees Adversely Affected by Tropical Cyclone, Tropical Storm, and Hurricane Helene 2024

Agencies are responsible for administering the ELTP for their own affected employees. Employees should contact their servicing agency human resources office for further information on the emergency leave transfer program.

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U.S. Postal Service OIG Shutdown Plan updated for FY 2023

Brief summary of significant agency activities that will continue during a lapse: The United States Postal Service does not cease operations during any Federal lapse in appropriations as it is funded through a permanent no-year appropriation. In contrast, the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General (OIG) receives an annual appropriation which is derived from…

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USPS elects not to implement payroll tax deferrals

The Postal Service is providing employees with information about an optional deferral of payroll taxes for workers. President Donald Trump recently issued a memorandum instructing Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to allow employers to defer the collection of the employee portion of Social Security payroll tax between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31. This would not constitute…

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USPS OIG: Independent Report to OPM on Employee Benefits

Independent Report to OPM – Employee Benefits, Withholdings, Contributions, Supplemental Semiannual Headcount Reporting Objective We performed procedures agreed upon by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Inspector General and the OPM’s Chief Financial Officer. This attestation engagement is an annual requirement of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Our objective was to assist…

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USPS OIG Shutdown Plan – FY 2020

Brief summary of significant agency activities that will continue during a lapse: The United States Postal Service does not cease operations during any Federal lapse in appropriations as it is funded through a permanent no-year appropriation. In contrast, the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General (OIG) receives an annual appropriation which is derived from…

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NALC’s statement on OMB’s proposal to privatize the Postal Service

June 21, 2018 NALC President Fredric Rolando criticized the Trump administration’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) proposal to privatize the United States Postal Service, which was released today. “This report takes direct aim at numerous agencies including USPS under the guise of reforming and restructuring for the 21st century,” President Rolando said. “The White…

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The DOL’s FMLA Forms Are Expiring!

By Jeff Nowak – May 30, 2018 The DOL’s model FMLA forms and notices are about to turn into the proverbial pumpkin come midnight this Friday, June 1, 2018. So, what is an employer to do? Besides panic, of course? What’s Going on and Why Do These Forms Expire Anyway? Under the Paperwork Reduction Act…

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OIG Report – Employee Benefits, Withholdings, Contributions, and Headcount Reporting to OPM

BACKGROUND At the request of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Office of Inspector General (OIG), we performed procedures agreed upon by the OPM’s Inspector General and the Chief Financial Officer. This attestation engagement is an annual requirement of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Our objectives were to assist OPM in assessing…

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