NPMHU: National Level Grievance Settlement Resolves NMO Outsourcing Issue

In a memorandum to all Local Presidents, NPMHU President Paul Hogrogian and CAD Manager T.J. Branch disseminated information relative to the NPMHU’s National-level grievance over the possible subcontracting of sorting and processing Non-Machinable Outside (NMO) parcels. As set forth in the attached agreement, the NMP pilot test has ended; the NMO parcel operation is back…

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USPS OIG: Nonmachinable Outside Parcels Pilot Program

Audit Report – MS-MA-15-003 – 11/05/2014 Background Nonmachinable Outside (NMO) parcels are packages that, because of their size, weight, or other characteristics, cannot be processed through automation and must be handled through a more labor-intensive and costly manual process. The term “outside” is used for these parcels because they cannot be placed in sacks or…

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