APWU: Das 110 HCRs Noncompliance Award Issued

June 11, 2021 In August 2016, National Arbitrator Shyam Das issued an arbitration decision sustaining APWU’s case Q06-4Q-C 11182451. In November, the APWU invoked the arbitrator’s retained jurisdiction, complaining that the USPS had not insourced the 110 HCRs into PVS assignments within 6 months (February 2017) as the Award as ordered. On June 4, 2021,…

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NALC: Decision in Pay Consolidation Case

National Arbitrator Shyam Das has issued his award in a national interpretive dispute involving the memorandum of understanding regarding the consolidation of NALC pay levels. The memorandum, which went into effect on November 24, 2018, elevated all Grade 1 letter carriers to the former Grade 2. Arbitrator Das recognized that the memorandum “provided Carriers with…

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NALC: Two national-level arbitration cases decided (APWU, NPMHU were Intervenors in one case)

July 09, 2015 C-31979: National Arbitrator Shyam Das issued an award on July 2, 2015, upholding the Postal Service’s position that former City Carrier Assistants must complete a 90-day qualifying period following their conversion to career status before they may be credited with or take annual leave. The Award interprets section 512.313(a) of the ELM,…

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