USPS is reinventing Mr. ZIP for a new generation

April 22, 2024 Mr. ZIP is back. The Postal Service is giving the beloved character new life through children’s products that aim to expand the appeal of the USPS brand. “Our vision is that Mr. ZIP becomes a beloved character to today’s children, and they grow up remembering him and having an affinity for mail…

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USPS: ZIP Code was launched 60 years ago this month

July 27, 2023 The ZIP Code was launched 60 years ago this month as part of a program of improvements to increase postal delivery speed. At the time, Americans were already struggling to adapt to three-digit area codes for long-distance telephone calls, so promoting the five-digit ZIP (short for Zone Improvement Plan) Code was a…

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USPS: ZIP ZIP hooray! 7 facts about ZIP Codes

You see ZIP Codes every day, but how much do you know about them? “The list” is here to help you sort it all out. 1. “ZIP” stands for “Zoning Improvement Plan.” The five-digit codes were introduced in 1963 and assigned to every address in the nation to better sort and deliver mail. 2. Mr….

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