Maintenance Support Clerk job training question

I have a question about the Maintenance Support Clerk job. If you are currently in the position and then take the training in Oklahoma and fail the test are you still able to keep the position? First Name: Tami Last Name: Wilks Email: Union/Local: APWU – Johnstown Area Local

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USPS Handbook F-15 Revision: Travel Per Diem Rates for Norman, Oklahoma

Effective April 23, 2020, the Postal Service™ is revising Handbook F-15, Travel and Relocation, to update the travel per diem rates listed in Appendix A. Handbook F-15, Travel and Relocation * * * * * Appendix A – Rates * * * * * A-2 Travel Per Diem Rates [Revise the last paragraph and its…

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