Why This Counts: Slips, Trips, and Falls in the Workplace

By Erica L. Groshen – BLS Commissioner December 11, 2015 Every so often as I walk down the halls of the BLS headquarters building in Washington, D.C., I notice a few drips of coffee or water on our otherwise shiny floors. My first reaction is to stoop down and wipe up the spill, or to…

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OIG Audit Director: Why the Postal Service Inspector General is looking at worker’s comp (audio)

Last year, $1 billion of Postal Service money went to recipients of workers compensation. But the rules that govern how agencies compensate federal employees when they’re hurt on the job haven’t changed since 1974. Monique Colter is an audit director for the Office of Inspector General at the U.S. Postal Service. On In Depth with…

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