USPS Handbook EL-307 Revision: Reasonable Accommodation, An Interactive Process

Effective July 2024, the Postal Service™ will revise Handbook EL-307, Reasonable Accommodation, An Interactive Process, to reflect changes and updates to the Postal Service’s guidance on providing reasonable accommodation to Postal Service job applicants and employees with disabilities. The changes were made to ensure that the Postal Service is compliant with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulatory…

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USPS: Learn more about reasonable accommodations

March 17, 2022 All federal agencies, including the Postal Service, must provide reasonable accommodations to qualified applicants and employees with disabilities, unless to do so would cause undue hardship for the Postal Service. Whether an accommodation would cause undue hardship is assessed by the Postal Service on a case-by-case basis. The goals of an accommodation…

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USPS OIG: Reasonable Accommodation Written Procedures

Overview The United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General Reasonable Accommodation Written Procedures, also referred to Standards of Practice, is modeled after the Postal Service’s Handbook EL-307, Reasonable Accommodation, An Interactive Process. This establishes procedures that enable the OIG’s Reasonable Accommodation Committee to assist managers and supervisors with making sound decisions regarding reasonable accommodation…

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USPS: Reasonable accommodations

The Postal Service wants employees to know about their right to reasonable accommodations. A reasonable accommodation allows a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential functions of his or her job. Accommodations vary widely and can include modifications to equipment, facilities and work schedules. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires all federal agencies…

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