APWU Class Action Grievance Arbitration Award on Manual Bidding Issues
The grievance is sustained.
The grievance is sustained.
April 11, 2024 The APWU and the Postal Service have agreed to a moratorium on grievances, disciplinary actions and arbitration hearings at the National, Regional, State and Local levels from July 8 through July 22, 2024, due to the 2024 APWU Biennial Convention, Industrial Relations Director Charlie Cash has announced. The period spans a total of 15…
Via Vern Davidson – APWU Clerk Craft, Cape Girardeau The contract spells out very precisely how to correctly discipline an employee using Due Process. If management follows those procedures fairly & equally, there is no grievable action. It is the responsibility of the union rep to ensure that all employees have equal rights to due…
From: James Stevenson <jstevenson@apwu.org> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 Subject: Global NLRB settlement covering multiple installations with express “time-limit waiver language on all grievances” Please find attached a Global NLRB settlement in which I required as a condition that the employer waive all time limits for the filing of grievances (page 7 paragraph 1 of…
From: Charlie Cash <CCash@apwu.org> Sent: Friday, July 14, 2023 Subject: Arbitrability on NACI cases All, Some of you may have grievances pending on employees who have an “unfavorable” NACI background come back after an employee has completed their probation/evaluation period and they are then “separated” from the Postal Service. The Postal Service then makes the…
March 29, 2023 Re: Accelerated Processing of Removal Grievances Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Re: Pilot Grievance-Arbitration Procedures and the MOU, Re: Discipline Task Force, the parties agree to pilot a modified grievance arbitration procedure in the below locations for the purpose of improving the efficiency and speed of processing Article 16.5 removal…