USPS OIG: Excess Space Available

The U.S. Postal Service owns roughly 8,400 properties and leases more than 23,000 others with annual rents totaling more than $800 million. Yet, the Postal Service has “excess space” — property or space not used or needed. Under the Federal Property Management Reform Act (FPMRA) of 2016, the Postal Service is required to identify and…

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How can the Postal Service put its excess space to good use?

Project Title: Congressional Mandate on Excess Space Start Date: Monday, July 23, 2018 Estimated Report Release Date: November 2018 In December 2016, Congress passed the Federal Property Management Reform Act (FPMRA). The purpose of the FPMRA is to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the federal government, including the Postal Service, in managing its property by:…

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