USPS: Hurricane season begins June 1

The Postal Service wants employees to prepare for hurricane season, which runs from June 1-Nov. 30 each year. Most coastal areas are subject to hurricanes. The storms can cause high winds, heavy rain, flooding and other dangerous conditions. Planning may be different this year because of the need to protect yourself and others from the…

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Postal Bulletin highlights Working Safely this Winter

During winter, the secrets to preventing injuries and staying safe are preparation for and awareness of potential dangers. The hazards associated with winter weather include exposure to cold temperatures and wet or icy sidewalks and streets. In FY 2019, Postal Service™ employees reported 743 slips, 2,475 falls, and 8,098 motor vehicle accidents during the months…

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USPS OIG Report: Geographic Variation in Productivity

August 19, 2019 – RISC-WP-19-006 The productivity of the Postal Service varies significantly around the country. The principal factors we examined affecting productivity were weather, cost of living, and terrain ruggedness. Identifying other factors causing productivity to vary around the country could give the Postal Service opportunities to pinpoint and address them. As a follow-up…

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