USPS will hold virtual fairs for sales jobs

The events are part of the organization’s efforts to expand its sales force and align sales strategies with new operational capabilities to drive revenue, one of the goals of the Delivering for America plan.

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NAPS: EAS—Extra Auxiliary Support— Performing Craft Work

By Dan Mooney – February 13, 2023 North Central Area Vice President As the famous broadcaster Paul Harvey said, “And now you know the rest of the story.” For months and months and months now, EAS employees have been asked and mandated to perform craft work, be it sorting parcels or casing and delivering rural…

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USPS OIG Report: Management Structure at the Postal Service

Objective As an organization, the Postal Service maintains a headquarters and a field office structure that comprises seven areas, 67 districts and more than 31,000 facilities. The field office management structure includes functional managers who oversee the core areas of finance, human resources, marketing, operations program support, and information systems; and operational managers and supervisors…

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