Postal Bulletin: Stay Safe with Powered Machines and Equipment

Authorized maintenance technicians are responsible for ensuring all hazardous energy sources of powered machines and equipment are shut down and secured before performing maintenance and repairs.

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Postal Bulletin: Ergonomics – Work Smarter, not Harder

Ergonomics: Work Smarter, not Harder The word ergonomics comes from the Greek word “ergon,” which means work, and “nomos,” which means laws. Essentially, ergonomics is defined as the laws that govern work or can be described as the science of work. There are three main subsets of ergonomics that apply to the science of work:…

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USPS: Ergonomics excellence – Workplace injuries are preventable

Injuries that affect the muscles, nerves and tendons — also known as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) — are a leading cause of lost work time, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. MSDs are preventable by following ergonomic practices, which aim to reduce risk factors such as awkward postures when bending, prolonged sitting and repeated…

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