USPS OIG Report: Views of the Postal Service As an Employer

October 8, 2021 (RISC-WP-22-001) Employees’ online ratings of the Postal Service have stayed the same or declined between fiscal year (FY) 2016 and FY 2021; reviewers spoke favorably about the Postal Service’s pay and benefits but complained about long work hours and a lack of work-life balance. Turnover is relatively low among career employees, who…

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USPS OIG: The Churn and Heartburn of Employee Turn…over

Few businesses are happy when employee turnover is high. It’s usually a sign of lackluster employee engagement, and it’s expensive to hire and train new workers. Keeping an eye on employee turnover rates and what may be causing them to rise is generally a good business practice. We recently looked at the U.S. Postal Service’s…

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USPS OIG: What Can the Postal Service Do to Retain Noncareer Employees?

Project Title: Noncareer Employee Retention Start Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Estimated Report Release Date: October 2016 Employee turnover costs the Postal Service thousands of dollars per employee. Retaining employees within the organization eliminates the administrative costs of hiring new employees, training, and the impacts on performance associated with learning a new job. Although turnover…

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