Veterans’ Deadline for Backdated PACT Act Toxic Exposure Claims is Aug. 9, 2023

August 2, 2023 In August 2022, President Joe Biden signed into law the bipartisan Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act. The Act expanded VA health care and benefits coverage to the many veterans who were exposed to toxic burn pits and other hazardous substances, such as Agent Orange. The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA)…

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USPS: Post Offices must keep burial flags on hand

USPS wants Post Offices to ensure they have an adequate supply of burial flags on hand for customers who request them. Through the organization’s Burial Flag Program, all retail Post Offices serve as a burial flag repository. Employees must use the eBuyPlus system to order U.S. flags for the program. Flags will be shipped from…

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