USPS OIG Report: Delivery Delays – Richmond District

Objective Our objective was to evaluate mail delivery delays in selected delivery units in the Richmond District. Strong consumer demand for goods purchased over the Internet has driven growth in the package industry despite otherwise declining mail volume. This growing package segment provides the Postal Service an opportunity to expand services and increase revenue. With…

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USPS Delivery Management System (DMS) Tracks Letter Carriers

Shane Stricklan is watching a computer screen that shows tiny trucks moving along a map. This isn’t a video game: It’s a program to help strengthen the Postal Service. The trucks indicate the current locations of letter carriers in Layton, UT, where Stricklan is Postmaster. Each truck is one of several colors, including green, which…

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USPS OIG: Geo-Fence Technology in Delivery Operations

Audit Report – DR-MA-14-006 – 08/14/2014Background The U.S. Postal Service is developing and pilot testing the Delivery Management System to improve carrier efficiency during street delivery. This system combines Global Positioning System data and other data from various systems to allow supervisors to see “at a glance” the location of each carrier and whether they…

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