Southern Area facilities with 302 Bin DBCS Stackers?

Are there any Facilities in the Southern Area running 302 bins on their DB platform Machines? First Name: Philip Last Name: Morgan Email: Union/Local: APWU – Fayetteville, Arkansas Local 667 Office held if any: Alt Maintenance Steward

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USPS Plans for Reduction of AFCS, DBCS, AFSM100 and FSS

From: Lamont Brooks <> Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 To: APWU National Officers Subject: First Notice for USPS Plan Reduction for AFCS, DBCS, AFSM100 and FSS and Second Notice for AFCS Replacement APWU President Mark Dimondstein was notified of a reduction in letter and flat mail volume via a general correspondence dated 6/17/2020, received with…

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USPS plans nationwide reduction in Mail Processing Equipment due to mail volume decline

As a result in the reduction in letter and flat mail volume, The Postal Service is planning to reduce the number of Advanced Facer Canceler Systems (AFCS), Delivery Bar Code Sorters (DBCS), Automated Flat Sorting Machine 100s (AFSM100), and Flat Sequencing Systems (FSS) in its mail processing facilities. The subject reduction is anticipated to take…

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