USPS HQ Maintenance: Using Alcohol as a Disinfectant (3/13/20)

Due to the fact that many of the disinfectants listed in MMO-031-20 are either unavailable or in limited supply, rubbing alcohol can be used as an alternative. Topeka is in the process of procuring alcohol for the field to use in the daily completion of MMO-031-20 until inventories of the products listed in the MMO…

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APWU Members Need a Human Relations Director

As the corona virus (COVID-19) spreads throughout the country and begins to affect APWU members, it becomes increasingly important that we have a Human Relations Director. There should be no delay in naming a replacement for sister Carney. First Name: Desi Last Name: Neurohr Email: Union/Local: APWU – Florida State Retirees Chapter Office held…

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USPS Mandatory Stand-Up Talk: Stay home when you are sick

The USPS urges employees to stay home when they are sick. If employees follow this advice, and then face disciplinary action for not coming to work, we can use this in their defense:

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USPS Guidance on China’s virus crisis (January 28 email)

From: Storey, Simon M – Washington, DC Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 11:45 AM To: AREA VICE PRESIDENTS – HQ HR AREA HR MGRS Subject: Coronavirus Information Good Afternoon, RE: Novel Corona Virus 2019-nCV. As discussed at today’s ISC meeting, please find the information shared and more importantly the CDC comments regarding the spread of…

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