Young Delegates Wanted for APWU National Convention

March 24, 2020 Subject: 35 and Under Union Activists Dear State/Local President: To assist locals in their efforts to include APWU young union activists at the 2020 national convention, the APWU will reimburse one-half of the cost of expenses (fully receipted) paid by the local/state union of at least one local/state union member, 35 years…

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2018 National Convention Resolutions: Retiree delegates seated with a voice and vote

Via Bobby Donelson, APWU SWCAL Retiree Chapter President: The retirees are asking all delegates to the 2018 National Convention to support two changes in the APWU National Constitution. Neither is harmful to the APWU or a cost factor. Retirees assist local, state, and the national unions. Amend the APWU Constitution & By-Laws; new Article 6:…

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APWU: Convention Resolutions Now Posted (Members Only)

Web News Article #: 175-2016 08/08/2016 – Resolutions that will be considered by delegates to the APWU 23rd Biennial National Convention are now posted [Members Only] online at Delegates will debate and vote on the proposals that will guide the union’s work over the next two years. The resolutions address labor-management issues, workers’ solidarity,…

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APWU: Convention Attendance Growing; New Hotel Added

Web News Article #: 109-2016 05/18/2016 – The APWU has secured additional hotel accommodations for delegates to the union’s 23rd Biennial National Convention in Orlando, FL, in August, Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell has announced. Delegates and the guests can now make reservations at the Coronado Springs Resort, located at 1000 West Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena…

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