Revive the APWU! Elect John L. Marcotte APWU President
Revive the APWU! Elect John L. Marcotte APWU President Visit Website: Visit Facebook page: #revivetheapwu
Revive the APWU! Elect John L. Marcotte APWU President Visit Website: Visit Facebook page: #revivetheapwu
I’m convinced Mark Dimondstein will go down in history as a powerful leader who has brought postal workers into the heart of the labor movement When Staples and USPS tried to privatize the retail operations, he stopped them cold. Now his opponent is criticizing his support of the postal reform bill. And where was his…
I am endorsing John Marcotte for APWU president. In casting one’s vote, I think it’s important to keep in mind the potential unintended consequences of the incumbent’s self-proclaimed “accomplishments.” With the full support of our current president, the passage of the Postal Reform Act of 2022 has created in effect, a permanent, lower-tier classification of…
It’s no secret that I’m persona non grata at APWU HQ. I’ve been told in confidence, by some in his administration, that President Dimondstein has expressed to his HQ minions to NOT have anything to do with me or the 21st Century Postal Worker website, Facebook Group, etc. Thankfully some pay him no mind but…
A question and answer with the two candidates running for APWU President this year! Click on: APWU Presidential Election Candidates Q&A First Name: John Last Name: Greathouse Email: Union/Local: Michigan Postal Workers Union Office held if any: Editor for the Michigan Messenger Related: Debate of Candidates in APWU National Officer Election set for August…
Statement of John L. Marcotte Announcing His Candidacy For President of the APWU Today I announce my candidacy for the presidency of the APWU. The presidency of a union should be 100% focused on how to improve the lives of its membership on the workroom floor. The president of the APWU should be a facilitator…
APWU Members Need John at the Top. Please Support and Share. Help Get Out the Vote! Thanks. First Name: Sue Last Name: Carney Email: Union/Local: Proud Member of South Jersey Area Local #526 Office held if any: APWU National Human Relations Director
This is my endorsement of John Marcotte for President of the APWU. The need for change is now. The time for change is now. I also am a member of the APWU Fighting 4U Team. A number of us chose not to run on the incumbents’ ticket. Those of us who made this decision chose…