APWU: Arbitrator Sustains Grievance on Motor Vehicle Craft Subcontracting

Web News Article #: 067-2015 03/27/2015 – Arbitrator Stephen B. Goldberg has sustained the MVS Craft Step 4 dispute in Case # Q10V-4Q-C 14125953, regarding contracting out Postal Vehicle Service work. The MVS Craft initiated the dispute in response to the USPS April 26, 2013, notice to the APWU that management was “considering subcontracting the…

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APWU Wins Major Victory on Staffing ‘POStPlan’ Offices, 9,000 New Jobs to Be Created

Web News Article #: 174-2014 09/22/2014 – The APWU has won a major victory on staffing in post offices affected by the “POStPlan” – a victory that will result in the creation of at least 9,000 new Clerk Craft jobs within 90 days. In a ruling dated Sept. 5, Arbitrator Stephen B. Goldberg concluded that…

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