APWU Election Committee: Disregard the letter you originally received pertaining to your dues

May 29, 2019 Greetings, During the week of May 20, 2019, 214 Full Dues Cash Pay letters were inadvertently sent to members in good standing. The letter you received is the normal letter that is sent out every Election year since 2004 to members whose dues are in question. After meeting with the Per Capita…

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APWU: Change to Election Rules

05/02/2019 – A change has been made to page number 43 of the 2019 Rules and Regulations printed in the March/April magazine by deleting the paragraph referencing five (5) regional Election magazines. To receive an updated copy, please contact apwuelectioncommittee@apwu.org. UPDATED 2019 Rules and Regulations Source: APWU  

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Ballots Collected in APWU Election of Officers

[maxgallery id=”50101″]Web News Article #: 221-2016 10/05/2016 – Members of the APWU Election Committee collected ballots for the 2016 election of national officers from the designated post office box at 2 p.m. on Oct. 5 and transported them to the Kellogg Conference Center at Gallaudet University, where they will be counted, Voters’ eligibility will be…

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Rules and Regulations for the conduct of the 2016 APWU National Election

Attached are the 2016 APWU Election rules that were published in March 2016.  The APWU Election Committee has a rule in Section VII that requires that endorsements of candidates be voted on at a regular membership meeting.  Some locals and state organizations may be unaware of it. An Improper Executive Board Endorsement:

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