Mike “SULLY” Sullivan
After careful thought and speaking with a number of APWU and personal associates (my wife), I have decided to run for the Southern Region Coordinator office with the APWU. I have dedicated my life to the APWU since becoming a steward in 1988 and I retired as an NBA in 2022 but remained a full dues paying member and active advocate. This is not a decision I take lightly nor would I go forward if I did not feel I was qualified, fit, and filled with the passion to perform the duties. Thank you for your consideration and I will continue to defend and support the membership as I have my whole career.
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Sullivan
Email: sullysrc@gmail.com
Union/Local: APWU – Suncoast Area Local 1228
Office held if any: NBA Clerk Craft 2010-2022, Local President 2004 – 2010