Signed MOU Regarding Pecking Order for Newly Created Positions in POStPlan Installations

Clint Burelson

Clint Burelson

From: “Clint Burelson” <>
Subject: Signed MOU Regarding Pecking Order for Newly Created Positions in POStPlan Installations
Date: 10/9/2014

Sisters and Brothers,

Attached is a recently signed MOU [PDF] regarding the Pecking Order for Newly Created Positions in POStPlan Installations. The parties agreed to release the document at 9:00 a.m. today. The pecking order agreed upon by the APWU and the USPS was based on the National Arbitration award for the POStPlan grievance, the subsequent MOU, and what the parties could agree to in a very short time frame.

In general, the union attempted to come up with a clean and quick pecking order that would place bargaining unit employees from the area into the positions as soon as possible and make it easier for the locals and state organizations to manage the staffing process.

Given the 2,000 or so jobs expected to be filled in the 6 hour RMPOs (Remote Managed Post Offices) and the almost 12,000 PTFs in the bargaining unit, the majority of the jobs are expected to go to PTFs within the installation (bid cluster) and/or in a 50 mile radius from the APO (Administrative Post Office). This will be a good opportunity for many PTFs to increase their hours and improve their high three for retirement.

As a result of the PTFs filling the positions in the 6 hour RMPOs, it is then expected that the PSEs will get converted to career by filling the vacant PTF positions. The PSEs are also expected to fill the jobs in the 4 hour offices where they will be able to move to career as future vacancies come up in the installation (bid cluster).

The employee in the 6 and 4 hour RMPOs will be the only person working in their respective offices and will have the opportunity and responsibility to help preserve the post office for their community. The APWU is working to gather the resources to help employees, locals, and state organizations preserve and enhance living wage jobs and good public service for our communities.

In Solidarity,

Clint Burelson
Clerk Craft Director
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO

See:  Web News Article #: 181 – October 9, 2014



One thought on “Signed MOU Regarding Pecking Order for Newly Created Positions in POStPlan Installations

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Erie, PA Area Local
    Will the level 18 offices get a list of these job openings?

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