Revised Poster 159: Workplace Harassment – Know Your Rights! Take Responsibility!

Workplace-harassmentThe Postal Service™ has revised Poster 159, Workplace Harassment: Know Your Rights! Take Responsibility! The poster reiterates the commitment of the United States Postal Service® to providing a work environment free of all forms of harassment and includes information regarding an employee’s right to pursue a complaint involving employment matters covered by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). In addition, these revisions reflect recent updates to Publication 553, Employee’s Guide to Understanding, Preventing, and Reporting Harassment. A copy of the cover letter and the poster are shown below. The poster should be prominently displayed.

The September 2008 edition of Poster 159, Sexual Harassment: Know Your Rights! Take Responsibility! (September 2008) has been revised and should be removed from all bulletin boards.

One thought on “Revised Poster 159: Workplace Harassment – Know Your Rights! Take Responsibility!

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    TCAL 3800
    Office held, if any
    Maintenance Craft Director

    Nice new poster, if only it meant something.
    The hostile work environment created by the postmaster of Drexel Hill, Pa continues.
    The USPS does nothing.

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