Just received by retired postal workers; USPS RETIREE – Quarterly Newsletter – Fall 2019! Timed for FEHBP Open Season! Loaded with Medicare Integration propaganda.
Beware Buying In! This is WHY – Quote from USPS Chief Human Resources Officer, Isaac Cronkite:
“Integration with Medicare would ensure that the Postal Service would be able to pay its share of health care costs for our employees into the future.”
That sentence sums up USPS Ministry Of Propaganda (M.O.P.) bottom line ulterior motives. A not so veiled threat; buy into Medicare Integration, or else.
A massive USPS assault on FEHBP benefits to pad their bottom line on retired postal workers’ backs! A backdoor effort to lead retirees down the primrose path of Medicare Integration at our expense and that of FEHBP.
Don’t bite! Stay tuned! Al LaBrecque, Adviser