4 thoughts on “MPEs/ETs posting reports on magnetic whiteboards?

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU South Suburban P&DC
    Engineering Specialist does this task here.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Detroit District Area Local
    Pretty sure this would fall under the job of a Maintenance Support Clerk. Seems like a waste in general, as the people posting the information and their supervisor are really the only ones that should be concerned about it anyhow.

    Take a look at Duties and Responsibilities 4 & 5. https://www.21cpw.com/MaintJobDescriptions.pdf

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Wilmington DE/MTS Area Local 152
    Office held, if any
    Boy, that sounds really involved….might need to bring a level with you and measure the distances of the magnetics for optimum hanging tension! That job might require a long time while to perform correctly??

    Might need to generate a work order and spend some more time filling it out correctly per machine. All this extra work could require overtime or the hiring of more Maintenance employees!!! LOL!! There is always a way to beat them by following the rules!!! Have fun!!

  4. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NWIAL local 7140
    Sounds like a new policy to me. The employee assignment sheet is where the MS-63 states this information is supposed to be entered on.

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