USPS has done everything possible to not convert PSEs in the Eagan MN NDC. They have used excess events that would never happen and now they say they want to reduce the employees from 110 or more to 100. Even now PSEs are working 6 days over 50 hours a week and all the regulars are too. They will soon hire more PSEs and not convert when we are short at least 12 jobs in the Clerk area. Its funny how they are quick to get PSEs to work when one goes but drag everything out for conversions to Regular.
I don’t want to work at USPS anymore as a PSE. I have been there for too long as a PSE and was told that “when so and so retires and so and so leaves you will get converted.” Its BS and we deserve the right to know either way if they plan to hire us. I have been dragged along like a greyhound chasing a rabbit around the track. And I keep coming to work every day thinking can it be the day? PSE is one of the worst jobs I have ever had. I just hang in for the reward that was promised and USPS keeps playing games with my life. I dont want to work another Christmas and Christmas Eve for 15$ an hour (Thanksgiving also, for that matter). I don’t have a choice really! I am a top PSE and if I quit I might miss the chance or if I stay USPS can keep me as their lap dog.
When I took this job I didn’t think I was going to stay more than a few months. But they converted many people and I thought I was going to be made regular soon. Just a few more people gone and I’m in! Nope. USPS started to take jobs and eliminate them so they don’t have to convert us. I tried talking to the union reps and mdos asking “do you think if I went to work as a MHA would I get career more quickly?” I was told no, they have many more workers and it would take twice the time. Well, they have been hiring people with 1 year of service, many of them who started way later than me.
I can’t get any clear answers from anyone at USPS. Does anyone know anything? I don’t know what to do and just go to work every day angry that I can’t get an answer. Working over 50 hours a week without agreement should not happen when the answer is simple – just convert the jobs that are open. If anyone on here knows any info on USPS conversions, let me know, please. It shouldn’t be a secret because I don’t want to work for a place that refuses to compensate the people who deserve it.