For over a year now, I have been inquiring about Privacy Act violations in the Springfield, Massachusetts Installation. I believe employees’ rights to privacy, medical records, as well as Injury Compensation records are being violated.
We do not have anyone designated in our Installation because when they combined Springfield under Connecticut, a new district, they shut down our medical unit and our Injury Comp office. Management refuses to designate anyone in writing, refuses to answer any questions and is duping employees, especially targeting the newer ones, PSEs, into handing over their medical information to personnel not supposed to receive that information. We also now have no Injury Compensation office to assist employees (EL-505).
In this day of cyber intrusion and heightened privacy invasions, I don’t understand why I haven ‘t received an answer from the Union. I get Privacy Act statements from my doctors, Kohls and Target……..nothing form the Agency and no answers from the Union. What’s the deal?